BOOST your Legal English
Welcome to the unique place for
legal English enthusiasts.
Legal English TOLES Exam

Why you need
Boost your Legal English?

Do the exercises on the platform and you will:

pass the TOLES exams with flying colours

use professional language

review your knowledge systematically.

the New TOLES online exams Jan 2022

The TOLES exams are offered only online.
Two ways you can register for the exams:

  • individually, directly with Global Legal English
  • through an Authorised Exam Centre (exam dates are fixed for the whole year)

The types of exercises are adjusted to this new online form.
NO Listening Part for the TOLES Higher.
There are MORE exercises for the Higher and Advanced levels.

For more details visit:

How to prepare: ONLINE TOLES Advanced exam,
ONLINE TOLES Higher exam,
ONLINE TOLES Foundation exam

Legal English TOLES Exam

Boost your Legal English
is ideal for:

  • candidates for the TOLES Foundation, Higher or Advanced

  • law students, graduates or legal trainees

  • learners testing their legal phrases

  • professionals who want to review legal terms

Prepositions Advanced – Membership 12 Months

The exercises on the platform collect over 1200 prepositional phrases. They are grouped in 14 different areas of law. The areas of law correspond to those required at the international TOLES exam.

Course Notes TOLES Higher Membership 6 Months

Legal English Course Notes offer you all the theory you need for the Higher level.

Course Notes TOLES Advanced Membership 6 Months

Legal English Course Notes offer you all the theory you need for the Advanced level.

Legal English Advanced Level – Membership 3 Months

The Advanced Level includes over 1200 phrases and is ideal for …

Become an expert

How you benefit from using the platform:

  • do revisions in your own time

  • prepare without extra books or courses

  • have instant access to the exercises

  • all the phrases are collected in one place

  • recall vocabulary faster and memorise for longer

  • sound professional by using the right phrases

  • become more fluent and confident

Learn by Doing

Revision method

Boost your Legal English focuses on legal collocations used in context.

Each sentence includes the most common phrases from different areas of law.

More about legal phrases: Legal Collocations


Frequently Asked Questions

Who can benefit most from the platform?

Boost your Legal English has been prepared for candidates of legal English exams, e.g. the TOLES series. However, anyone who wants to improve legal English vocabulary may benefit as well.

You may have finished a legal course in the past and now want to refresh your memory.

I am a lawyer, but I do not want to take any exam. Can I benefit?

Yes. You can revise, learn more and master the correct legal language.

I am a student, but I do not want to take an exam yet. Is it for me?

Yes. Boost your Legal English can introduce you to hundreds of correct phrases from different legal areas.

Which level should I choose?

If you want to prepare for the exam, choose the same level. If the exercises are just for revision, choose the level of your general English.

You can find more about each level here.

I want to take the TOLES Higher exam. Should I start from the Introductory level?

Only if you want to. Each level is independent. Each level has all the phrases necessary to pass a given exam.

I need more time for revisions. Can I use the platform for longer?

Yes. You can buy access to the platform for longer.

Which areas of law will I revise?

Boost your Legal English prepares you best for the TOLES exams. That is why there are no areas like criminal law or international law, which are not tested in the exam.

How many phrases will I revise?

The Introductory level has over 900 phrases in 11 Units, the Higher level over 1000 phrases in 13 Units, and the Advanced level over 1200 in 15 units.

How do the levels differ?

The higher the level, the more phrases you learn. Each higher level has two extra areas of law. Each higher level has also more difficult sentences.

Are phrases the same on each level?

Yes, the phrases may be repeated. But with each level you also learn more of them. On each level the phrases may be used in different sentences.

What types of exercises are there on Boost your Legal English?

The Introductory level: sentences with gaps, multiple choice sentences and prepositions missing.

The Higher and Advanced levels: sentences with gaps, multiple choice sentences, flashcards with definitions, prepositions missing.

For the examples of exercises go to Exercise Types

Should I do Units in an order suggested?

No. You can start with any Unit. Each Unit is independent. Boost your Legal English suggests this order because first Units seem a bit easier.

Do I have to buy access to Boost your Legal English to check which level is for me?

No. There are Free Units available on each level.

Free Units

Do I need any course book?

No. You do not need to buy any course book. The phrases to learn are in short and clear sentences. Ideally, you should make your own notes on paper, in a word file or in your mobile.

Do I need to attend any legal English course?

No. You do not need any special course. If you have already used legal phrases at work, Boost your Legal English will prepare you for the exams.

If you attend a legal English course, the platform is a perfect revision tool.

For how long do I buy access to each level?

You can have access to all the products for 3 months.

Ready to get started?

View all our courses, or maybe contact us